Friday, January 21, 2011

Christ's Passion in the Garden

The passion Jesus showed in the garden is something christians should never forget because it reminds us of How much He loves us. This write up just tells us a little about how it was put in Heb 5:7-9, and with a couple of John Wesley's side of it. Here's how a view to it.

It wasn't easy for him not because of the shame, the pain or the hatred shown to Him but the fact that He was to carry the sin of the whole world, and being separated from a holy God who was a God of Justice and could not behold sin, not even while His son was carrying the sin of the world.So just know definitely that if Jesus could it carry the sin of the world-your sin inclusive on His spotless soul, then there is nothing He would not be willing to do for you. Thank you Jesus.If you, then evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more your heavenly father would give to you..........Matt 7:11, Luke 11:13.

I will learn to trust Him with all my heart and live a Holy life, no matter what i might have done,He has paid the price for me, I can feel His passion, love and suffering for me, and I want to carry that burden too, so i can feel how much he aches for me to know him,to feel his love for me, drink it, He's calling to me(Rev 3:20), like a groom that is calling to His bride despite the fact she has done wrong and has been found guilty for acts of infidelity but is still looking for a way to reconcile her back to Himself like as if nothing ever happened.

Remember that Christ Loves us so much and wants to make you His immaculate bride. God bless you.

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